Sunday, March 6, 2011

Senator Scott Brown Book Signing

The Belmont Republican Town Committee in conjunction with neighboring Town Committees of Cambridge, Lexington, Winchester, and Watertown, is excited to announce a Book Signing for Senator Scott Brown's newly released book: Against All Odds: My Life of Hardship, Fast Breaks and Second Chances on Saturday, March 12th from 9:30 to 10:30 AM in the Green Room at the Belmont Media Center, 9 Lexington Street, in Waverley Square, Belmont. (The time has changed due to the Senator's legislative commitments.)

A signed copy of the book is available  for  a  donation of $25 to 
the Belmont Republican Town Committee.  
(Pre-purchased  copies will be signed for a donation  of  $10.)  
Senator Brown will be on hand to personalize your copy.
To reserve your copy please email or 
send your check to Belmont RTC, 12 Horace Road, Belmont, MA 02478.

Limited parking is available in the nearby municipal lot.
You are encouraged to take the bus or commuter rail
to the Waverley Square T Station.

For more about this event,
please email
or call 617-489-2828.

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